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The Cornish Loch Series

In this series, the Cornish Loch has provoked some deeply felt feelings. Exploring a fresh, exciting, and unknown landscape in Scotland, I came to understand and feel it, by walking and sketching, which is central to my practice. I was walking through closed dark forest spaces with a thick mossy carpet and then back out to bright open vistas of the Galloway Hills, a dark-sky area. It resonated with me to challenge the concept of hidden and revealed, both in the landscape and in ourselves.

In our relentlessly busy contemporary world, I lose myself. I take myself out into landscape and nature, and there, I find myself again. Nature comforts, restores, and quietens my mind. I am in awe of all the qualities she provides. In my work I hope to champion “a voice for nature”.

This collection / series is an attempt to unravel those feelings.

This body of work had been shown as part of the following exhibition:

“A Vocabulary of Line”

“The simple reality of a line and the intriguing nature of it is what prompts its use in infinite variations for making statements. In the hand of the artist line can be the simplest trace for self-expression, or, it can generate many complex and diverse thoughts and ideas.

Dr Ziba Ardalan – The Mystery of Line

The Cornish Loch Series

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The Longing
73cm x 59cm
Charocal, graphite, gesso

The Cuckoo's Song
73cm x 59cm
Charocal, graphite, gesso

Hide and Seek
73cm x 59cm
Charocal, graphite, gesso



Moon & Lichen,

The Bridge

& Waters to the Loch

L:10cm W:12cm H:26cm

L:20cm W:22cm H:27cm

L:19cm W:22cm H:18cm


Represented by the A2 Gallery, Wells, Somerset.

© Copyright of  Sarah Ball, Somerset Artist.  Watercolour and other mixed media

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